RME achieve FORS Bronze Accreditation

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is an accreditation scheme run by Transport For London (TFL) that aims to improve fleet activity in London and throughout the UK and beyond.
In order for us to achieve FORS accreditation, TFL conducted a full and rigorous onsite audit (a process that is repeated annually) which concerned all aspects of fleet management, vehicle and driver safety.
On RME’s part, this included producing a Fleet Management Policy, detailed records of all company vehicles, a written record of daily driver checks; plus all vehicle related activity is fully risk assessed and results recorded.
Moving forward, health monitoring and risk assessments for our company drivers will result in a comprehensive action plan for each, therefore enabling us to ensure that all drivers are competent and safe.
We are very proud that we have achieved the FORS Bronze status and will strive to continue this high standard and therefore maintain our awarded standard in the future.