RME progress in Management System registration

This month saw a significant move forward for the company in respect of the registration of its management system against the relevant standards following audit by BSI. This is of course highly beneficial in retaining existing clients and attracting new ones.
Our ISO 9001:2008 registration for Quality Management has been upgraded to ISO 9001:2015. The cut-off date for this was September 2018. Our ISO 14001:2004 registration for Environmental Management has been upgraded to ISO 14001:2015. The cut-off date for this was also September 2018.
We have also achieved a new registration, that of PAS 99:2012, which recognises that our Quality Management System, Environmental Management System and Health & Safety Management System are all integrated into a single system. This provides benefits for both the company and its clients. From the company’s aspect, external audits by BSI are combined on every occasion, thereby ensuring a consistent approach over three consecutive days by a single auditor rather than fragmented over three random days by more than one auditor.
The benefit to our clients is that not only are we controlling quality, environment and health and safety but we are now doing this in a seamless manner ensuring that statutory and regulatory requirements are satisfied with continual improvement throughout the system.